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Reminder: Two Funding Opportunities Available to WSE Faculty and Staff

  • By pendari1090
  • June 22, 2017

The AFOSR (Air Force Office of Scientific Research) currently has an open BAA (Broad Agency Announcement) which may be of interest to WSE faculty and staff. This announcement will remain open until superseded.

Recently, two program officers from AFOSR provided an overview of their office and the funding opportunities that are periodically offered at WSE for faculty. On May 3, Drs. Sofi Bin-Salomon and Ali Sayir, discussed the office and the process for how funding is awarded. AFOSR is a small office which generally provides funding in small amounts. Both Bin-Salomon and Sayir suggested the best way to engage AFOSR is to approach program officers directly by sharing an idea. AFOSR’s mission is to discover, shape, and champion basic science that profoundly impacts the future Air Force.

For more information on the BAA, please visit the link here.

Additionally, the Department of Defense has a MURI (Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative) Award open, which addresses high risk basic research and attempts to understand or achieve something that has never been done before. The program was initiated over 25 years ago and it has regularly produced significant scientific breakthroughs with far reaching consequences to the fields of science, economic growth, and revolutionary new military technologies. MURI program managers are approachable and happy to have a discussion about your work and ideas about future research prior to your submission.

More information about the award can be found here.

MURI Award Deadlines:

  • White Paper Deadline: Monday, July 17, 2017, 11:59 p.m. EDT
    (All questions and inquiries must be received by June 30, 2017)
  • Proposal Deadline: Wednesday, November 1, 2017, 11:59 p.m. EDT
    (All questions and inquiries must be received by October 11, 2017)

The Commercial and Government Program Office (CGPO) is available to assist you with proposal development, drafting white papers, or to help coordinate critical conversations between you and AFOSR or MURI program managers, if desired. CGPO is designed to serve as a liaison for partnerships between WSE, government, and industry. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us for assistance.

For CGPO assistance, please contact Jennean Everett, CGPO Project Manager, at or 410-992-7304 ext. 207.